A) Lesson
This week, Derrick Pack will be starting up a series out of the Gospels, especially focusing on the book of John.
Tune into the video below for today's message. If you're unable to or would prefer to do it as a written study, you can download the offline version for print here.
(some notes out of the end of the message that are copied over here for easier reference)
=================== The passages Derrick encouraged us to look at/study together, seeking to answer the question: "What was it that it appears Jesus was primarily concerned to dwell on in this passage?"
CLOSING CHALLENGE FOR THE NEXT WEEK I have a challenge, because we need to find a way to make this “reality.” My challenge to you in this week, which I will plan to do as well: 1. At the end of each day, write a journal entry somewhere taking account of the things that occupied most of your “thought life.” Keep record. Review it. Be objective. Share it with someone else (spouse, friend, sibling) if you’d like, or keep it between you and God. 2.Then, try to start increasing your “God dwell” each day. Find an attribute of His to meditate on. Find a deed He’s done that blows you away. Find an aspect of His character you find mysterious, unknown, or hard, and ponder on it. Likely, your “God dwell” will start small. But I’m hoping that by the end of even the first week, you’ll start to see a change. Read through what you dwelled on of God each day. Then, take those things, and offer them back to Him as response in worship...and let them be the fuel that takes you into the next day. 2)SONGS OF RESPONSE
Spend some time in song and worship, responding to the teaching
Feel free to play as much or as little as you’d like! There is a full hymnal you can download for today with all songs in the keys sung in, or a simpler chords-only version; just follow the links in the right column (or below the video here) to download in a printable PDF format. Lyrics will be on all the YouTube videos below. Watch inline below, or click the playlist to open in another window. SONG SET
There are three options to download for the music, if you’d like to have some to play or sing along with:
(prepared by Ron Rourke)
John 6:1:13 Good Morning to all of you. I know you are in small groups this morning, fellowshipping, singing, and listening to what God has laid on Derrick’s heart from His Word in the book of John. Jesus the Word, brings hope to all who hear. I am reminded of our setting this morning by a story in John 6:1-13. You all know it, where Jesus feeds the five thousand. Jesus has all these people sit on the grass in groups of fifty. Then He tells Phillip to feed them. While Phillip was sweating it out, Jesus was cool as a cucumber. He knew what He was going to do all along. Why, then, did He ask Phillip’s advice? In order, to give Phillip, the opportunity to stretch and to grow. The same is true in your situation. Whatever is frustrating you today – Whatever fears you face, whatever tensions you feel, whatever burdens you’re bearing – Jesus already knows what He’s going to do concerning them. We don’t, but He does. And He wants us to walk in faith, to trust Him. Not only did Jesus know what He was going to do, but He also knew how He was going to do it. Before the miracle ever took place, He lifted up his eyes and gave thanks to His Father (John 6:11). Regarding your dilemma, your frustration, your fear – Do what Jesus did. Lift up your eyes and say “Thank You Father”, that you’re going to take care of this situation. You are faithful. When I thought I couldn’t make it, you pulled me through. When I thought I was going under, you pulled me up. When I thought I was out of it, you pulled me back. You’ve been so good. Thus, I give you thanks right now in this moment of frustration! As you pray for one another this morning, give thanks in everything. This is the will of God in Christ Jesus (IThes 5:18). Please also make a list of your praises and prayer requests and send to the “prayer chain” so we can all be praying this coming week. Enjoy being together in your groups. Until we can all be together once again. May God Bless you all and keep you sheltered under His wing. -Ron
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Bible Study DownloadIf you're unable (or would prefer not) to watch the message in video format, you can download a printable study to use individually or in your small group below.
MusicIf you'd like to follow along with songs on YouTube that have lyrics, click the above.
If you'd like to play them using your own instruments, click the links below for chords or vocals/sheet music PrayerClick below to send a prayer request to our prayer chain.
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