In His Grace God has brought us at Oak Grove together to be a family of believers who strive to love the Lord God with all our hearts, minds, and souls, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are committed to demonstrating that love through worship and by the caring for and encouraging of one another. We are further committed, by our service, manner, and speech – by our lives – to demonstrate His love to all who have not yet heard the gospel.
Our Identity is being revealed by:
An adherence to those foundational truths in our Statement of Faith that unify us as a fellowship of believers and followers of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
A respect for the value of human life and the dignity of every man (male and female) as made in the image of God.
A love for and commitment to family – individual families and the family of God.
A commitment to service, for we are called to consider the needs of others more important than our own. We are dedicated to exemplifying God’s love through practical service; the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual ministry to others.
A devotion to prayer, for we are instructed to pray without ceasing. We understand that God answers prayer and that we are to pray in such a manner as to bring glory to our Heavenly Father.
A commitment to continual spiritual growth of all of His people through training and practice of Biblical principles.
A joy in sharing the gospel of God’s saving grace by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior by our very lives – moment to moment.