Glenn Rank
A) Lesson Video This week Glenn Rank will continue multi-week series. Start by watching Glenn's video below. After, there are a few questions you can go through for reflection and application.
B) Follow-Up Study Questions
1) Consider and discuss the differences between knowing of Christ and knowing Christ. 2) How did you first become acquainted with God’s Word and come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Did anybody in particular play a big role in this? 3) Do you have any reservations about asking somebody to go through God’s Word with you? Discuss what these might be. 4) Is God putting anybody on your heart right now that you would like to invite to examine God’s Word together? Suggested prayer to follow: Pray that the Lord would send out workers in his harvest field, for the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. (Matt 9:37-38) 2)SONGS OF RESPONSE
Spend some time in song and worship, responding to the teaching
Feel free to play as much or as little as you’d like! There is a full hymnal you can download for today with all songs in the keys sung in, or a simpler chords-only version; just follow the links in the right column (or below the video here) to download in a printable PDF format. Lyrics will be on all the YouTube videos below. Watch inline below, or click the playlist to open in another window. SONG SET
There are three options to download for the music, if you’d like to have some to play or sing along with:
We have a special treat prepared for us this week, created by Churchill Odurukwe.
Please review the document attached below for our prayer time thought and reminder, a "OGBF Prayer Tree" we can print off and keep around as a reminder.
Judy Lewis
5/17/2020 12:38:02 pm
Please add Pat Vaughn to the Family Tree Prayer list. She is pictured in the Directory with the Hage Family but is not mentioned. Thanks!
Sherry Cherland
5/17/2020 12:57:58 pm
Thanks, Glenn! That was SUPER encouraging. John and I and Pat had a rich discussion of how we hope to encourage others to a relationship with Jesus Christ, what that looks like for each of us. Then of course we delved into how blessed we are by our OGBF church, how each member reaches out to whoever is in their sphere, the love that exists between all, the comfort, the support.....
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DownloadsClick the above for a printable version of the Bible Study.
MusicIf you'd like to follow along with songs on YouTube that have lyrics, click the above.
If you'd like to play them using your own instruments, click the links below for chords or vocals/sheet music PrayerDownload the "OGBF Prayer Tree" prayer reminder!
Click below to send a prayer request to our prayer chain.
GivingDon't forget that even when we're not together, we still have expenses to pay and missionaries to support!
Visit our Giving page for ways to give online or by mail. |
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