Tune into the message prepared for us for this morning by watching the video below.
Study Guide & Followup Questions
Have you felt “rich in Christ” this past week? What, if anything, is going on in your life that is attempting to steal your joy in Christ, and thus your testimony as a Christ follower?
Consider how you might pray for one another about these things during the “supplication” part of your prayer time (see Troy's recommendations for today's prayer time), or if you are not meeting in a small group today, bring your needs before the Lord.
Spend some time in song and worship, responding to the teaching Lyrics will be on all the YouTube videos below. Watch inline below, or click the playlist to open in another window.
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Lord I Lift Your Name on High
Build my Life
Softly and Tenderly
Ancient Of Days
In Christ Alone
(prepared by Troy Jones)
A time of giving thanks and being grateful, since Thanksgiving is only a few days away, what are you thankful or grateful for? I would challenge you to write down 5 or so things that you are thankful / grateful for? If you are in a group after you write them down, verbalize a couple of them with each other.
A time of prayer - today we are not able to meet as a group under the same roof, but we all can pray from wherever we might be today. Pray time is our chance to converse with our God and the great thing about praying is that we can pray anywhere and at any time. When it comes to prayer, I remember an acronym from Bible Study Fellowship I learned – A.C.T.S.:
A – Adoration: Praise and honor God for who he is. C – Confession: Acknowledge and admission of guilt/sin and ask God’s forgiveness. T – Thanksgiving: Thank God for the blessings in your life and keep our eyes open to see all the blessing God has given us. S – Supplication: Pray for the needs of others and yourself So, I would encourage you to spend some time in pray today and make it a daily habit. But today during your prayer time I would encourage you to:
Praise and honor God
Acknowledge before him any guilt or sin you might have
Verbalize what you are grateful and thankful for
Bring before God the needs of others and your own.
Check back next week for updates on when and where we will be meeting!
Please contact Molly Gonzalez if you would like to help with making cookies for the Good News Rescue Mission this year. We are looking for people who could make a dozen or two cookies and then bag them up on pairs to be handed out at the GNRM Christmas party. We would love to be able to partner with them as they continue to serve our community in these times. You can call Molly at (530) 515- 7302.