Tune into the message Jerry prepared for us for this morning by watching the video below.
If you were listening, Jerry gave us a few very great items to consider. He also gave a few activities that should be fun for individuals and families!
ACTIVITY #1 Dress up a watermelon or a cantaloupe as "sin" or the head of Satan. Then select one person from the family to represent the whole family (such as the father or an older brother). Next, everyone lay their hands on that person, signifying he represents you and what he's going to do. Then.. give him a baseball bat and let him go smash that melon representing sin or Satan.
And here's the fun part! Take a video of this, upload (to YouTube or somewhere else), and share the link here in the comments or in our Facebook channel.
ACTIVITY #2 Read Eph. 4:17-32. Encourage one another to find one or two sins in your own life and share them. Fess up to them! They've been paid for, taken care of, so confess them and ask for accountability to them and prayer that we'd move past them.
Spend some time in song and worship, responding to the teaching
Feel free to play as much or as little as you’d like! There is a full hymnal you can download for today with all songs to play separately, or a simpler chords-only version. Just follow the links in the right column (or below the video here) to download in a printable PDF format.
Lyrics will be on all the YouTube videos below. Watch inline below, or click the playlist to open in another window.
The Love of God
Mighty is the Power of the Cross
Ancient of Days
The Power of the Cross
Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)
SONGBOOKS There are three options to download for the music, if you’d like to have some to play or sing along with (NOTE: attached music may not always match the keys of the YouTube songs):
Hymnal (Full Page): full sheet music for vocals and playing along on piano or other instruments
Hymnal (Condensed): smaller, so you can fit two sheets to a page and fold to create a booklet (saves on paper, but it is small!)
Songbook (Chords/Lyrics only): just the chords and lyrics for those that want to play on a guitar or other instrument where chording is all that’s necessary
(prepared by Churchill Odurukwe)
Dear family, our teacher Jerry reminded us this morning in 1 Corinthians 15, about Christ's resurrection which rests on the evidence of many eyewitnesses including Paul himself, and it’s the greatest fact preached as the groundwork of the Gospel. Verse 14 of that chapter says this “…If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain…”
So in our prayer time, please pray as you’re led including:
1. First, let us pray and ask God to forgive us in those areas we have not allowed Him to shine in our lives 2. Let us pray that Christ life will come alive through our lives in our neighborhood and community. 3. Pray and say, "Lord, as your child, from today I will walk in victory with your Son Christ." 4. Let us pray for the sick, the needy, the Missionaries, and our leaders. 5. Pray for God’s direction as He continues to lead our family to have her own place of worship 6. Finally, let’s thank God for answering prayers including supports we have received so far from our family.
Let us hold firmly without wavering to the hope that we have confessed, because we can trust God to do what he promised (Hebrew 10:23),
Next week we will be meeting in person at the home of the Ranks at 9am.
Address: 22491 Buckboard Tr. Palo Cedro, CA 96073
The last two weeks in August we will meet from home in small-group format similar to today. Stay tuned for additional updates!