Paul wrote the book of Philippians from the confinement of house arrest in Rome, read Philippians 1:12-18 (specifically 15-18) 1) Try to put yourself in Paul's shoes. How would it feel to have people slandering your character out of selfishness while you were helpless in prison ? 2) Would you be able to rejoice as Paul did that the gospel was still going out regardless the motivation ? 3)Do you value the message of the gospel more than you own life ? ... your reputation ? 4) Revival will come through the the action of individuals. Do you get exited about the gospel reaching hurting hearts? Do those you interact with daily know how important this gospel is to you ? Who is someone in need of the love of God that you can reach out to this week ?
Spend some time in song and worship, responding to the teaching
Feel free to play as much or as little as you’d like!
Lyrics will be on all the YouTube videos below. Watch inline below, or click the playlist to open in another window.
May The Peoples Praise You
Christ Is Risen He Is Risen Indeed
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
All I Have Is Christ
Your Will be Done
Psalm 23 - Surely Goodness, Surely Mercy
Holy Spirit Living Breath of God
(prepared by Felipe Gonzalez)
'Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.' Colossians 4:2 When we are persistent in prayer we can see that the grace of God and His awesome power can fill us with peace, guide us in decisions, and give us direction in His time. Because of His faithfulness we can fall into the trap of making prayer time only a time to lay our petitions and troubles at His feet. Which is good and we should do, He even tells us to! (Matthew 11:29-30) But thankfulness has a way of shifting our view point, thankfulness can take something dark and bring it into a new light. We know God's plans for us are of good and not evil (Jeremiah 29:11) Let us give thanks to the Father today for all He has done, He is doing, and all that is to come. We know He has given us a future filled with hope.
Next week we will be meeting at Glen and Joelle Rank's home.
Address: 22491 Buckboard Trail Palo Cedro, Ca 96073